Dwarfism in Nepal

The government started a campaign to eliminate rickets and dwarfism in children decades ago. However, the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2022 has pointed out that 25 percent of all children under the age of five in the mountainous region still face issues related to dwarfism. But the government is committed to reducing the numbers of dwarfs by 2030. Meanwhile the Dwarf Association (which has 200 members and was formed in 2008) is seeking from the government land to build a village specifically for dwarfs so they can live with love and dignity. They had been inspired by the Amar village of Assam in India.
Binda, who suffers from dwarfism, explained that they face many challenges and health problems due to a lack of appropriate structures. She said that they could not rent rooms or houses easily, struggled to reach door knobs and water faucets and faced problems in lavatories. “We are forced to live in a world designed for tall people.”