A New Year Begins…
Greetings from NLT in 2016!
The last part of 2015 has been hard with the strike and acute shortages of fuel, gas, medicines and many staple foods. Patient numbers at Lalgadh have dropped as people needing help cannot travel, and we mostly cannot get to them either. Particularly sad has been the disastrous affect of these shortages on the relief work that has been taking help to people in the hill districts affected by the earthquakes. There are about 3 million children at risk from lack of food, adequate shelter, cold weather, etc, and the continuing disturbances in the Terai and the blockade of the border with India are making it all much worse.

Our Releaf Team at Lalgadh has so far delivered about 300 tonnes of food, blankets,

road to Kalagaon
tarpaulins, zinc sheets, etc to 7000 especially desperate families in villages in three districts north of Lalgadh. The latest trip was to the highest village in Sindhuli called Kalagaon, reached by a very difficult road which even the landrover found hard. The landrover was carrying 600 blankets to help the poorest folk in this community in the clouds to stay warmer in the face of freezing weather. Temperatures have recently dropped significantly, with Gorkha facing a foot of snow and sub-zero temperatures.The locals were pleased to see our

Meena giving a blanket
team and to receive blankets and so the trip was a useful one. It was only able to happen at all because our team miraculously managed to get 50 litres of fuel which made the journey

speech by Suman
Please continue to pray that the situation will improve in Nepal, and also that further funds will come into NLT specifically for this earthquake relief work which is still vitally important. Our funds for this are nearly used up and once they are, we will not be able to do more without further funding, and the team would really like to continue to use the skills they have gained to help more people in need.
Many thanks to all those of you who have supported this relief work.

Winter has arrived in the high hills of Nepal