Lalgadh in the Etihad Airways In-Flight Magazine

An operation, depicted by George Butler
Etihad Airways have supported the hand surgeon, Donald Sammut’s work with Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital and Services Centre for several years by donating tickets and excess baggage for his equipment. In November 2016, Etihad’s Head of Sustainability, Linden Coppell, visited Lalgadh with Donald’s team to find out what goes on there. Also travelling with them was George Butler, a well known reportage artist ( and the visit resulted in a great article in the Etihad In-Flight magazine, illustrated by two of George’s pictures. You can read the article by clicking HERE
Passengers on the Etihad service will be able to read about our work as they travel. To see the whole In-Flight magazine click HERE
Thank you Etihad Airways!