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New Hope for Badri Shrestha & Family

Badri Shrestha is a father in his late 40s affected by leprosy, with a married daughter and two adult sons Subash and Sudeep, who are in their early 20s and both seriously disabled by cerebral palsy. Subash and Sudeep are mostly in wheelchairs (provided by NLT) and also require regular medication to keep them stable…

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Rhadika is a delightful little girl of 4 years old who comes from a poor and low caste family in the Janakpur area. The family has a tiny piece of land which they share with Radhika’s dad’s brother. Rhadika’s dad went abroad to work for some time to improve the family situation but had to…

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Kalpana’s Story

In April this year we posted the story of Kalpana, a 29-year-old mother who is affected by leprosy. She has 4 children under 8 years old – one is disabled by cerebral palsy and the fourth was born at Lalgadh in February (2016). Her situation had become extremely difficult, and the team at Lalgadh needed…

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Special shoes enable Sarita to walk

Sarita is a girl of 9 years old. She came to our notice when her mother carried her to meet our team that was bringing earthquake relief supplies to Kalika School in a remote and high part of Sindhuli district. These are all Tamang folk (mountain people): very poor, mostly illiterate, and most of the…

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