Eye clinics at Lalgadh boosted by new equipment
Leprosy can cause blindness due to damage to the eye from corneal ulcers. These can occur because leprosy
often damages the nerve that enables the eyes to feel pain and without that pain, dust and grit can get into the eye and be unnoticed. The damage that results can lead to infection which can cause permanent blindness. This means that regular eye tests for vulnerable patients are important to spot damage early. Our equipment has been very old fashioned up until now, and a
technology update was long overdue. A charity called Mission for Vision (M4V) that was established to set up eye clinics and share the gospel in Africa, has kindly donated some spare eye equipment to Lalgadh. M4V collects spare equipment and glasses
from UK opticians, when firms merge, close shops, or update their equipment; most optical equipment is robust and will work for decades, long after it is not uptodate enough for the UK high street.
A phoropter and lensmeter are now in use at the regular eye clinics. Our maintenance department has cleverly improvised an arm for the phoropter that previously carried a
surgical lamp. Last year, Lalgadh was able to buy a new operating table and lamp, so the old arm is available to carry on being useful!
Thank you M4V!