Sell our Handicrafts

NLT Fair Trade Handicrafts

Our workshops in Kathmandu produce a range of high quality fair trade goods. Income from sales of these products goes towards supporting the work of NLT.

If you think you could sell these for us at local fairs, or if you know of local shops that may be interested in stocking our products, please contact us to talk about it.

You could even start your own business, buying from us at a wholesale rate and selling  at a profit for yourself.

Felt making in Kathmandu for Nepal Leprosy Trust

Himalayan Leather Handicrafts

Himalayan Leather Handicrafts manufactures high-quality leather products including bags and wallets. It employs a range of disadvantaged people, from families affected by leprosy to people who have other disabilities and people from poor backgrounds.

Himalayan Leather Handicrafts can also manufacture special orders to a customer’s own design.

Himalayan Batiks

Himalayan Batiks provides employment for people marginalised through disability or poverty. The range of batiks depict facets of Nepali life, floral themes and animals.

Lydia Industry

Lydia Industry is a project that employs and trains disadvantaged women. They produce a range of fabric products and greetings cards.


Pray for Our Work

Nepal Leprosy Trust

10A The Vineyard
TW10 6AQ
United Kingdom

020 8940 1200