
We value your prayers

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LLHSC staff in front of OPD - medres

Prayer Points

Nepal Leprosy Trust is a Christian Charity and we have relied greatly on the prayers of many supporters over the years.

Prayer has kept our staff safe, it has protected us during difficult times, it has helped our work to flourish and make a real impact on the lives of those we are helping. It has opened God's treasure house at times of particular need, and it has helped to make sure that God is honoured in our work in many ways.

Prayer remains a very important way of supporting the work of NLT and we are grateful for all those who do pray for us. The list below includes some of the key issues that currently need your prayer:

Lalgadh hospital is running at normal service levels, with hundreds of people coming for medical help most days. Dengue fever is a problem in the area. Please continue to pray for health and safety for our staff and families.

In Kathmandu, our Fairtrade workshops have had much less work, as regular custom has tailed off. Most of the producers are currently laid off. We really need the Lord to show our senior management team the way forward for this part of the work.

Please continue to pray for Dr Clugston and his wife Meena who returned to Australia last year due to multiple myeloma being diagnosed in Graeme. He has completed chemotherapy but is still weak. Please pray that they would know what the Lord would have them do next.

Please pray for our patients at Lalgadh. You may have read about Sangeeta and Sita Devi. Please pray that our staff can help these two ladies, and the many other patients who come for help, to heal physically, mentally and spiritually.

The registration process of the hospital with the government is still progressing but is slow. If successful, it will potentially make other administrative areas simpler, so please pray that the government offices will favour the process and bring it to a conclusion soon.

Travel in Nepal is often unsafe due to poor roads, landslides and dangerous driving conditions, especially during monsoon time. Please pray for our staff as they move around the region in the course of their work.

Please pray for our work to build new self-help groups in the new areas we are working in. Leprosy services in these areas need much strengthening.

Please pray for a stable and healthy government in Nepal to develop and strengthen the country.

Please pray for the little church at Lalgadh, that it continues to be a light for the Gospel in a difficult place.

Please pray that our God will be glorified in all the work areas of NLT, and that the people we serve will be blessed by that work.

Please pray for the staff and particularly the senior managers in NLT Nepal as they develop the organisation to cope with the growing demands on its services. They face many daily challenges in their work for people affected by leprosy and many other illnesses. 

Please pray for NLT’s community work in Province 2. Village Alive and the Momentum Clubs are transforming communities and enabling ‘Kingdom Values’ to be taught in areas of extreme poverty and dysfunction. Pray for blessing for the people involved.

Please pray for the ASHA project which involves a lot of work. If all goes well, it will enable some important new infrastructure to be developed at Lalgadh which will support more training activity and better surgery.

Please pray for the good progress of NLT’s next 5-year General Agreement with the Government of Nepal. This enables the work to continue. Pray also for the development of the next Project Agreement. 

Please pray for staff currently affected by illness: Anita, our nurse in-charge, has returned to work recently after a stretch of ill health. She needs help and further strength to cope with the challenges of running our inpatients unit; Nurse Ruku has left work due to the long term cancer she has been suffering, and is living with her brother who is taking care of her. She needs ongoing care, and is bed-bound since the loss of use of her legs, but has reported some improvement recently. Please keep praying for these ladies.

Recruitment of good staff. NLT Nepal is looking for an experienced Nepali nurse to take on the role of assistant nurse manager in the inpatients’ department, and also a donor liaison and fundraising officer who can work with existing donor partners and seek new partners to develop NLT’s work of serving people affected by leprosy.

Nepal Leprosy Trust

10A The Vineyard
TW10 6AQ
United Kingdom

020 8940 1200