Vitality London 10000 – It Happened!
All the NLT runners arrived at Hatfield Park at 8.20am on Sunday morning for the Vitality Run and found our way

The NLT Team – after the race with Crumble the team mascot.
to the ‘pens’ where runners are grouped according to their likely run-times and set off in two waves.
Matthew and Joe were in the faster group, and Ian, Julie and Amy were with the slower ones. There was a great atmosphere, even though the numbers were much lower than the usual 24000.
Matthew managed to be in the very front row in the first wave and at 9am on the dot they took off, with the second wave following 10 minutes later.

Matt on the start line

Joe Beech in the middle. All runners looking determined.
Joe was close behind Matt in the first wave which took some time to pass and then things paused until the second wave started at 9.10am.
Ian, Julie and Amy were all part of the second wave which let the slower runners set off for their 10k run without impeding the faster runners.
Our times ranged from Matthew’s 42 minutes to Ian’s slightly over an hour, all done on a warm, sunny day in a lovely park.

Ian starting the race with panache.

Amy and Julie at the start of their 10k run
Michael, Amelia, Julia Beech and Crumble the dog provided the cheering and other encouragement for our runners and tried to catch as much of NLT’s activity on camera as they could.
It was a good morning, and with the previous run in May, has raised nearly £1000 for the work of NLT!
We are grateful to our runners and to all those who have sponsored them.