Bob’s Walk Completed – 3rd September 2016

Team Bob’s Walk – Bob (right), Shirley and Colin
Since March, the Rev. Bob Higham, a former trustee of NLT, has been walking the 96-mile England-Scotland border in various stages to raise funds for NLT. Accompanied by his daughter Shirley and friend Colin, they completed their endeavour on 3rd September, arriving triumphantly at the cliffs above the North Sea.
The walk was completed in 11 stages across different days throughout the spring and summer. Some highlights of the journey include dodging rally cars competing in the Kielder Forest, coming across military personnel out for a training exercise on the Ministry of Defence road, who assured Bob, Shirley and Colin that they were perfectly safe as they would be firing west while Bob and the team were walking east. They carried on walking, to the accompaniment of the sound of machine gun fire and booming artillery, enduring the ever-unpredictable British weather and enjoying some stunning views along the way. Bob and his team completed the walk on 3rd September, arriving at the cliffs above the North Sea. It was certainly a memorable trip!
Bob would like to give credit to his wife Diana for her chauffeuring services, without which the walk would have been impossible. He’d also like to thank all who have taken an interest in their enterprise and for the financial support that has been given. If anyone would still like to contribute to Bob’s sponsorship, you can do so via his Just Giving page here or send a cheque payable to “Nepal Leprosy Trust” to our office in Richmond, with a note to explain its purpose.
Congratulations Bob and team, and thank you for all the funds and support you’ve raised for NLT!
P.S. If Bob’s efforts have inspired you to catch the walking bug yourself, you can join us on our annual sponsored walk along the River Thames on 24th September! More info here…