NLT Nepal and the Corona Virus situation
Some of you have asked how the current situation is affecting the work in Nepal. We can say that our Centre at Lalgadh is gearing up with supplies and new protocols for managing the expected influx of people with respiratory problems. This includes more handwashing basins, some new, easier-to-clean, equipment and lots more masks, gloves, and personal protective equipment. These latter items are hard to source and expensive and so funds are needed to support them with that. NLT Ireland is helping as is NLT UK and if any of feel able to help with these costs, that would be enormously appreciated.
However, the reality is that in Nepal, although it is fairly certain that Corona is active, and many Nepalis who were working in foreign countries such as Korea and the Middle East, have been sent back to Nepal, probably with some carrying corona, there is very little testing available, with only a few places in Kathmandu capable of doing tests. The overall picture in Nepal is therefore a mystery, with very little useful data available. Lalgadh are sending some test samples up for testing but we have not heard whether any answers either way are coming back.
We appreciate that you will be praying for many people and situations at this time and we would greatly value your prayers for our medical staff at Lalgadh, who are becoming more prepared with Dr Graeme Clugston’s support, and seem to be in good spirits. Pray that they will remain healthy and that they will not be overwhelmed by numbers if the virus does start to get a hold. Pray that there will be opportunities for them to share the love of the Lord Jesus through their compassionate care, and service. Pray that the supplies needed will be available. Pray that they will be able to support people in severe medical distress effectively, and that lives will be spared.
Thank you so much for your care and prayers
Mike and the Team