10k Run for NLT at Maidenhead 31st May
The unofficial 10k run for NLT went ahead in Maidenhead, in the face of uncertainty about the official Vitality London 10k that we hoped to participate in but which was postponed until a venue could be found.
Our runners met up by the Thames at Maidenhead on 31st May and warmed up for the 2-way run along the Thames towards Marlow. All five runners – Matt, Ian, Joseph, Julie and Amy completed their run, with Matthew and Joseph running about 13k in their enthusiasm. All funds raised will support the work of NLT with people affected by leprosy in Nepal. You can donate using the ‘Give.net’ button to the right of the NLT Home page. Add a comment ‘sponsored run’ so that we know what it is for. We are very grateful to our runners, especially as they are going to run again in the official Vitality London 10k run which will now be happening on 11th July at Hatfield Park.
The line-up of NLT runners and walkers and dogs. Matt and Ian proudly displaying their NLT running top.

Matt and Joe’s Strava record of the run