Update on the situation in Nepal – 8th May 2015
I am sure that you have been following the news on the BBC and elsewhere about the
earthquake and so you will know that the relief work is moving into the hills around Kathmandu. In these areas many villages have suffered terribly with extensive damage to property and in many cases the near total obliteration of the villages with little left to show that anyone lived there. This has left many people with no shelter and little food and water, and landslides have blocked roads so that the only access for many locations is by helicopter. Relief is coming into Nepal quite quickly, but the process for making it available has been slow so that many folk are still waiting for help. Some organizations have been able to get food and shelter to hill communities, and NLT has been working with the relief programme in Sindhuli District supplying food and tarpaulins to families in need. So far we have distributed over 4 tons of rice and other foodstuff along with tarpaulins, and further relief is being collected to provide for 300 families. A serious problem is that supplies are running out in Nepal (except at the airport) and so we have to go down to India to purchase more. However, in the next few days our team should be heading back up into the hills of Sindhuli to coordinate with the district authorities and the other agencies working there in getting supplies to families in need.
This morning in Nepal another aftershock of 4.9 centred on Sindhuli and so the dangers of further earthquake
damage are not over yet.
If you would like to support our relief efforts, please do contribute via the give.net button to the right of this page, and you can be sure that your donation will be used to help families affected by the earthquake.
Our grateful thanks to all those of you who have already generously contributed to this work. Our friends and colleagues in Nepal appreciate it very much.
Please continue to pray for all the people whose homes have been destoyed and who are suffering from lack of shelter and food, and in some cases are suffering from injury. Please pray that relief supplies will get through effectively and fairly, that the situation at the airport will improve, and that those delivering supplies (including our staff) are kept safe in the face of unstable roads, buildings, etc. Finally please pray that the weather will remain stable (as it has recently improved) as this greatly helps both victims and aid workers.
Thank you from the NLT UK Team